Tuesday 19 June 2012

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Professional Wrestler. Real name Rhonda A. Sing. Rhonda who used the stage name "Bertha Faye" held the WWF women's title in 1995. Rhonda had a long career in All Japan women's promotion as a monster foreign heel called Monster Ripper. She held the top women's title, the WWWA belt, twice in the late-1970s and early-1980s. Rhonda made her WWF debut in 1995 as Bertha Faye, love interest of Harvey Whippleman. She began a feud with Alunda Blayze a.k.a. Madusa, beating her for the title at SummerSlam 1995.

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

Bertha Faye

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